Sunday, April 6, 2008

What do Angelina and I have in common?

No, it's not our 120 pound beautiful bodies (I wish) or the hunky man by our sides (mine is a different hunky man), but yes....we are pregnant. I would have made the announcement sooner, but someone told me it would make the pregnancy go by faster if you waited to tell people. Not true, so I didn't want to wait any longer because we are really excited (and nervous) about this. We find out in about 3 weeks what we are having. I'm due in September, so I'm not quite half-way. Other than about a week of feeling yucky at the beginning, it has been an uneventful and almost pleasant pregnancy. I say almost, because I think that would be a contradiction-in-terms. Anyway, I had to share a couple funny Kaija stories related to this upcoming baby. First of all, she is totally convinced that it's a girl and she wants to name it 'sweetie heart'. A few weeks ago she said she would name it 'special' if it was a boy, but just yesterday I asked her again what we would name it if it was a boy and she just said, "it's not a boy, it's a girl." So either she knows something we don't know or she is going to be a disappointed little girl. Also, a couple weeks ago I was showing enthusiasm about something she did and I said, "Oh Baby!" Kaija looked at me a little perplexed and asked, "Mom, is that what you say when the baby comes out of your belly?" Well, she keeps us smiling around here. We'll keep you posted when we learn anything more about our little "Sweetie Heart Scarborough."


EFN Newsletter said...

What's Sweetie Heart in Finnish?

Sarah S said...

I'm excited to see your list of Finnish names when you do find out what you're having!

Arah Debra said...

Congratulation! I can't believe you waited so long to tell everyone. That's some serious self control. I hope Kaija gets her Sweetie Heart!

Suzette Selden said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for ya'll.

Jana said...

YAY!!!! I am so excited for you guys. Ans I get to see you prego in a few months! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Em and Teem! Having three is so much fun! I mean that gets more fun after the first three months but it has not been as "bad" as people said. We love it!

DC Diva said...

Another prego Diva!! Yea!!!! Congrats to the entire Scarborough clan. This is GREAT news.:) Can't wait to hear what you're having.

brookie said...

I'm so happy for you and your family!! Can't wait to find out if it's a sweetie heart or a special. Congratulations!

Gretchen said...

Congrats "officially"! Mom told us awhile back so I knew but you must have had some serious self control to keep that a secret. I don't even think Chad and I waited 3 weeks to tell anyone when we got pregnant! You amaze me!

Davis Smith said...

What great news! However, I'm feeling very behind. Makenna is 2 1/2 and I'm really feeling the pressure. (I've also had three different people recently think I'm pregnant and I'm not!)

Lisa said...

Okay, I can't even believe you didn't call me, WTH?! I guess I'm happy for you, really so happy. Congratulations!

Tanya said...

Congrats! With three little ones there is never a dull moment. It will be so much fun!

Sandy said...

Congratulations!! I agree with a previous comment about 3 being filled with excitement and never a dull moment :-) Can't wait to hear the name!!

Blueberry picking